
8. januar 2012

Denim covered stool

I bought this stool about a year ago because its feet match the feet of some fantastically comfortable 70s leather chairs I have.  I knew right away that I wanted to make a denim cover for it so I started sewing patches together in no particular order. You might think it should have been possible to finish this in a day, not difficult, not complicated, no reason for it to take any longer… right… oh how I wish it had been like that…
It was about 6 months from start to finish and I don’t even have a good excuse. But I guess the most important thing is that it actually got finished and that I now have a stool in my living room that I don’t embarrass me anymore J

It was about 6 months from start to finish and I don’t even have a good excuse. But I guess the most important thing is that it actually got finished and that I now have a stool in my living room that I don’t embarrass me anymore J


5 kommentarer:

  1. You did a great job. No matter how long it took.

  2. This is very cool! It's different and I like it! Would love it if you would stop by and share this at my linky party going on right now :)

    Have a great week!!

  3. That is about the same time line that I work with - don't be embarrassed! It is way cute!

  4. That is very cute and so creative! Thanks for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday. We hope you come back and share more of your ideas. -The Sisters

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