
18. juni 2010

Coloreful brass lamp

I have a strange affection for these old brass lamps. Before I have spray painted them black and that was it. This time I wanted something a little more fresh for my daughters room.

The hunt for lilac, pink and green spray paint began. I think you need to live in Norway for a while to realize how little craft supply is actually available here. So my hunt was very much not a success. Luckily there are still a few small independent stores around that manage to keep their head abow water.
In the one I eventually found there were no modern “punch a code/shake” machines. Just a manual thing that had to be turned by hand and then release one drop of this and two drops of that. Me, the happy customer, left the store with 3 old jars of varnish in my desired colors.
Sadly my daughter “grew up” before this project was finished. So this lamp ended up as a breath of fresh air on the wall of my multipurpose room. (the picture doesnt do the colores justise, its a lot brighter) The only thing missing are shades, but I’m hopeful that the right ones will turn up one beautiful day :)

På norsk

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